Girl Power!

Hello My Fellow Blog Lovers and Supporters!

We are already well into July – Where is the time going!?

It has been a hot one here, not too much complaints from me, not a huge fan of humidity, but I will suck it up if the sun is shining that is for sure. As I have been getting back into the world of script writing, I am struck on the new wave of strong female leads and or action stars that have been hitting the big screen, with Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman doing extremely well at the box office and now with the new release of Atomic Blonde starring Charlize Theron (total girl crush for me) as a 1980’s super spy with MI6 who totally kicks ass – literally.  I am fraught with the notion – Why has it taken Hollywood so freaking long to realize this untouched demographic?  We want to see these stories and characters on the big screen and cheer them on or be intrigued or horrified by them for that matter, but yet ‘Hollyweird’ is still resisting this notion?

As you can expect I have thoughts on this and well here they are…


Hollywood is and always has been run by middle aged white men – There I said it! So logically they will want to see stories that are by and for them, who they mistakenly think is a general rule for all of society.  For the most part, we as a society have just put up with it and have tried ways around it by creating specialty networks like The Women’s Network or BET.  But, in my opinion it is not enough.  Women and minorities are still sadly under represented in both above and below the line jobs in film and TV and even less as Directors or Directors of Photography!  It still is by and large an ‘old boys club’ and basically they have closed ranks for any and all who try to break those stereotypical glass ceilings  More importantly, we need to note the huge impact downloading movies online has had on the industry at large.  Where we used to make and produce 100’s of films per year, we are lucky to see 10 to 15 from big studios now.

I am going to go a bit against the grain here and say, part of this is their own fault – More importantly their egos is what has gotten them into this hot water.  Instead of getting ahead of it – The onslaught of illegal downloads and the rise of Android boxes going mainstream, and finding a way to use it or invert it for their own benefit, they instead did nothing, believing that no one would ever challenge or topple the great studio system. I mean come on did they not learn anything from the music industry and the whole Napster debacle!? Apparently not…

As a result, because of the rapid decline of ticket sales and green lighting projects, many studio execs are feeling the pressure to be ‘safe’ in the projects they do make – Projects that follow a tried and true formula or in the form of a sequel trying to ensure a sure fire WIN at the box office.  This has made film and art in this vein much more vanilla or boring – Lacking risk and that spark to push boundaries and ultimately start a conversation, which in my opinion is what art is supposed to do in the first place.

So when we see those rare projects like Wonder Woman who use that system (comic book character) but subvert it by using a female lead, harolded by a female filmmaker, like Patty Jenkins of ‘Monster’ fame, audiences pay attention and do so by spending their hard earned money at the box office!  People want to be entertained, but challenged with their own unique human story in all of its beautiful, horrific, depressing and or joyous journeys.  They want to see themselves in the characters on screen and we can only do that if we tell ALL stories, not just the middle aged male whitewashed versions.


So for me, I hope that I can be a part of that solution and not just another cog in the already existing wheel.  I too want to tell unique stories of the underdogs.  Portray women in a more realistic but empowering role – Yes they can be superheroes who kick ass but they also can bleed, get hurt and get defeated sometimes in the process.  Which is why I am so excited to see Atomic Blonde’s character of Lorraine Broughton played by the very talented Charlize Theron kick ass and take names while she takes care of who is killing her fellow agents during 1980’s Berlin.  Not a femme fatale per say, just an action star who takes no prisoners.  What I am finding so appealing is the obvious part of a female action star who really does kick ass (fast forward to a 10 minute fight scene done by Charlize herself all in one take no edits) but, also showcases the sheer brutality of it with bruises, blood and broken bones – which in most cases is non existent in most male centered action movies.

Action with a touch of realism is a great genre in my opinion!  I hope that this new wave of women centered films continues to gain steam and garner possible spin offs of more minority or gay/lesbian or transgender projects getting green lighted as well.  We all have a story to tell and it is about time Hollywood took notice and gave everyone, someone and something to aspire to!

Thank you all once again for your continued support and for coming along on this blog writing journey with me each week – noted and appreciated that I can assure you!

But before we go, let me ask you this – what changes in stories or types of films would you like to see more of in Hollywood?  I can not wait to see your answers!

Until we meet again,

Love and Light Always,

Dina xxoo

Oh Inspiration – You Elusive Sexy Beast!

Hello My beautiful and sexy blog readers and supporters!

I hope that this week’s ramblings and word shenanigans find you all happy, healthy, a bit more wealthy and maybe a wee bit more wise.  One can hope right!? 😛

Summer is upon us with a vengeance and I am freaking loving it! After making the revelation to you all a couple weeks back about jumping back into the film writing arena I had noticed a few things about myself.

Allow me to explain…


First of all, I have finally come to the realization and acceptance that I am a storyteller at the very core of who I am as a person and more specifically as a woman.  I generally am the one to almost put on a show so to speak when I regal you with my musings or experiences full of funny voices, hand gestures and contorted body configurations.  I love taking you along on the mystical ride and hope you have quite an experience when you do – intrigue, laughter, fear, love, happiness etc. whatever the story entails.  I guess that is why I took to writing my blogs every week, I am in essence taking you all along on my own journey – The story of my life.

Even as a young child I was enthralled with movies – Such a wonderful way to take someone on a magical journey – A way to escape and become anyone or anything you ever wanted to be.  I remember quite vividly at about the age of 5 or 6 I think, I was watching The Wizard Of Oz for what seemed like the umpteenth time on TV, and I was just mesmerized by the magic and fantasy of it all – It was in this moment that I knew I wanted to be apart of this – Not knowing entirely what ‘THIS’ was, or in what capacity I wanted to be apart of it, I just knew in someway I was going to be.  Fast forward to today and once again here I am moving myself closer to realizing that dream.

Now we come to the second part and the basis for this week’s blog – Inspiration, where to get it and how to harness it!

For me, I have had an ongoing, ‘love/hate’ relationship with inspiration – She can be abundant and yet completely elusive at the same time, that sneaky minx!


Inspiration really has no rhyme or reason for me. Where it comes from is never common place or consistent. It could be music, art, film, life, nature, dance, fashion, a PB & J sandwich etc. etc.  I have tried so many different ways to try and harness it, but to no avail.  I find, since I have gone back to walking everyday, that has helped to knock some ideas loose, which I am exploring at the moment. Stay tuned for script announcements 🙂

But I gotta say, one minute it is here and the next poof it’s gone. Or maybe the answer is that I could just have a mild to moderate form of ADHD?  No really, I tend to be all over the place.

Could it be the copious amounts of sugar I can consume in one sitting? I once put four whole boxes of smarties in my mouth on a dare, needless to say my Mother had to peel me off the ceiling from my sugar high.

I really can’t say, but what I can say with undoubted certainty is that my wide and vast ocean of imagination has never waned or faded. It is almost a need not just a want for me. I NEED to be lost in the cascades of lollipop land and gumdrop sunsets, even as I approach 45 years of age next week, EeeeeeeeK.

It really is my escape, it always has been and I believe it always will be. I can be who and what I have always wanted to be with no regret or compromise. In this land, I am beautiful, strong, playful, courageous – Ultimately I am free. Free from judgement, obligation and expectations not only from others, but much more profoundly from within my own self.

Don’t get me wrong, I can feel these things in my everyday life – My work, family and friends allow me to explore these emotions, but in there – My limitless and vast imagination, I have no need for compromise or explanation.  I can just be ME, flaws, quirks and all!

I believe that growing up does not have to mean you have to lose your child like wonder or sense of adventure. No, I think in efforts to put things like, our life and our experiences within it, into nice, neat and ordered little boxes of conformity,  we in fact lose. We lose the very unique and unorthodox pieces that make up who we are in the process.

Our quirks, flaws abnormalities if you will, are what make us, well US.  Those are what make you stand out from the crowd, make you unique and special in my books.  This amusement park of my mind has been closed for far too long and I am excited to gas up the roller coaster and merry go round and just simply enjoy the ride.

Ultimately I have discovered is that I don’t need to harness my inspirations, just delight and feel blessed that I am still able to have them in the confines of my crazy and unpredictable world called my imagination.

Thank you all once again for coming along on this crazy blog ride with me each week and for taking the time to read my shenanigans.  It indeed does not go unnoticed or unappreciated.  But, before we go let me ask you all, where do you find your own inspiration in your life?  Are you able to harness it or is it elusive as it is for me?

I can not wait to read your answers!

Until we meet again,

Love and Light Always,

Dina xxoo

Sometimes in Life You Just Gotta Pivot

Hello My fellow blog lovers and supporters,

Is it hot in here or are you all just beautiful sexy beasts!?

I think it’s both really 🙂

Hot and steamy weather is here with a vengeance and quite frankly I am pleased as punch to see it.

I was recently reminded of a quote from Socrates – YES Socrates I read folks 😛 that said,

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”

I found so much intrigue, insight and a slight bit of comfort after reading this quote.

Allow me to explain…

As my 45th birthday is drawing closer I find that I am looking back on what I have done, what I have dreamed of doing and what I feel I have yet to accomplish and I am drawn to some “what could have been’s” or basic “what if’s’ if you like.  Now, this is always a dangerous territory to go down for anyone of any age – Nostalgia is not a bad thing in of itself until you use it as a means to compare, then it can become deadly.


Comparison is the thief of joy as they say, (they being good old Teddy Roosevelt) and he could not have been more right.  If we are constantly comparing ourselves to the past or even others, we are in essence robing ourselves of the motivation and focus to go after our dreams in the present.  ie, ‘I have already failed so why bother’, or ‘I will never be good enough to achieve that.’

This has been my usual cycle and I believe one of the reasons I have not gone after everything that I have wanted to.  But, this is where I am going to buck the ‘Millennial’ parenting phase of telling their kids they can be ANYTHING that want to be in this world – Sorry I believe this is a load of shit.  I mean, what if I wanted to be a mermaid – Your advice to me would be, ‘if you try hard enough and believe it, you will achieve it.” Ummmmm K …

Don’t get me wrong, I do believe in going after your dreams, of course I do!  But, what I believe is that you can TRY to be anything you want to be in this world, but there is no guarantee you will achieve it.  After you have tried all of your avenues and are no way closer to achieving your dream, it may be time to reevaluate or pivot if you will. (Hence the title of this blog – See what I did there) 😛

Pivoting is not giving up, it is merely trying it from another angle or being open to having another dream enter into your consciousness that you may never have considered before.  Being open to change or new opportunities is pivotal in navigating these choppy waters called our lives.  Each of us has a course to navigate but it is up to you to steer the ship in the best way possible to reach your destination.  You may hit choppy patches and have to redirect your course, but in the end you still will reach your destination, so what does it matter as long as you get there right!? (OK enough of the nautical theme – Sheesh I guess since I live in a canal side town I am influenced) 😛

Take me for instance, I had written in a previous post about how your dreams can change in life and that is OK (If you haven’t read it here it is so you are up to speed

And I still believe this, vehemently. But, what I have really noticed is that the pivot can in essence bring you back to where you first began as well, which is me in a nutshell at the moment – My desire to write and create films has been ignited once again in me and I am both scared but excited at the prospect!


You see, I have felt this restlessness for quite some time and I finally figured out what has been eating at me – I have been living a safe secure life, making the ‘right’ choices for my life because that was the responsible thing to do, what was expected of me.  To sum it up – I’m bored or unmotivated in my life.  I have not honoured the very core of who I am, a creative being yearning for the opportunity to create and tell the human story on a grander scale.  Don’t get me wrong, I am not angry or bitter as I do believe that everything does happen for a reason and I needed to go through this ‘pivot’ to bring me back to what was lacking in my life – Telling the human story cinematically.  There I said it, I put it out into the ether, can’t take it back now!  I don’t know what capacity this will take in my life, but I do know that it will be a part of it and that is huge revelation at this point.  I do love what I do in social media, I do very much, and quite honestly I am proud to say I am damn good at it – But, it is not enough and I can no longer pretend that it is.

Will you be seeing my big name in lights, maybe, but until then I will be seeing you each and every week right here 🙂

Thank you all once again for taking the time to read and support my ramblings and shenanigans each week, it does not go unnoticed or unappreciated.  Before I leave you, let me ask you this, have you had to pivot in your life? Was it a positive experience?

I can not wait to hear your answers!

Until we meet again,

Love & Light Always

Dina xxoo



This Reuben Sandwich Was A ‘Holy’ Experience

Hello My Fellow Blog Lovers & Supporters!

Warm weather is finally here!! So excited to get my tan on and get outside and enjoy the beautiful countryside that is Niagara.  Recently, my Mom and I went on a bit of a road trip and discovered a new found gem – Shelly’s Family Dining & Catering.  What makes this place so unique, is that it is not a traditional restaurant per say, this one is located in a converted church! Gotta say first time I have been inside one of those in many years 😛

As we pulled up, we were intrigued by the beautiful architecture of the brick church which just screamed history and eclectic beauty in my books.  Fun fact about me, I am a bit of an architectural nerd who LOVES to take pics of structures that intrigue me or are unique.  Seriously my trip to Europe was three quarters buildings and landscapes – True Story!


But I digress, you walk into the funky entrance way and are greeted with fun artifacts and antiques adding much charm and whimsy.  You proceed to open the big church doors and you are greeted with this large, expansive space which feels like you are being transported back in time, but not style.

Beautiful wooden accents, gorgeous stained glass windows and antique blown glass accent this space. I would be remiss not to mention the AMAZING archway framing this wonderful newly discovered gem as well, beyond gorgeous!

Mom and I grabbed a seat not before admiring their use of old church pews for seating – added a great feature and overall feel to this place.  We were greeted by a wonderfully bubbly server who was excited to see new faces.  We casually looked over the menu and I decided to go with a classic – Reuben sandwich! While waiting for our order, Mom and I took in all the cute and quirky features of this unique venue.  I really do cherish these moments I can experience new places to eat and sit and chat with my Mom – Brings me back to the times just after my Dad died when me and her would go on these epic road trips with no direction in mind, we just hopped in the car and went.  Discovering some really great out of the way hole-in-the-wall places that we otherwise never would have discovered.  Certainly felt like old times and I was loving it!


My mouth was watering when my Reuben got to the table, thick slabs of home roasted pastrami, still juicy and succulent, the bite of yellow mustard accented by the slight tang of the classic sauerkraut all encased by the toasted yet soft rye and kind of nutty bread.  Just delish!

I really would recommend you give this little gem a try if you are looking for homemade food in a very unique atmosphere, then Sherry’s Family Dining & Catering is the place to check out!

Thank you once again for coming along on this blogging journey with me and for taking the time to read my ramblings each week.  But, before we go, let me ask you this, what are some interesting or hole-in-the-wall places that you have discovered in the Niagara region? I am always looking for new places to check out and explore and of course excuses for more epic road tips with my partner in crime, my vivacious Mama!

Can’t wait to hear your recommendations!

Until next time,

Love & Light I send to you always,

Dina xxoo

Getting ‘Niagarafied’ at Vintages Wine Bar & Lounge

Hello My Fellow Blog Lovers and Supporters,

Has Spring finally Sprung here in Niagara?

I sure hope so, I am so ready for the changing of the seasons and all the beauty that comes along with Spring here in our beautiful region.

To get a head start on this, recently I had the privilege of checking out Vintages Wine Bar & Lounge located in the historic Pillar and Post Inn & Spa in the charming Victorian town of Niagara on the Lake.

If you are an avid follower of my blog, you know that over the Christmas holidays last year I had the privilege of staying at The Pillar & Post Inn & Spa, partaking in the facilities, wine tours and fabulous culinary offerings of The Cannery Restaurant.  My full review of my over night stay can be found HERE

I had remembered that there was a wine bar that we didn’t get an opportunity to check out and was excited to finally be doing just that.

But, before I go any further with my story, I would be remiss in not mentioning that this wine bar was not going to be a normal run of the mill drop in – NO, this was going to be a very special outing, I was going to be meeting an extraordinary blogger, business owner and all around cool chick Joanne Deall otherwise affectionately known as Niagarafied!

You see when I first moved back to the Niagara region in 2013, I knew that I wanted to reach out and get to know my local merchants, business owners and individuals in my community so I could finally feel connected to something that was bigger than me.  A connection that I was unable to create in Vancouver and knew that I craved that missing ingredient in my new home.  Back in Vancouver, local area bloggers were and still are generally the ones in the know of what is going on in and around the communities they write about. So, when I moved to Niagara, I knew I needed to do a little blogger digging – Low and behold, the name of Niagarafied kept coming up!

Local winery owners revered her, and lined up to have her come and visit and taste their hand made wares knowing, they would get a hearty, well written mention in one of her upcoming blog posts, and possibly boosting their social standing and their Trip Adviser status in the process!  So I knew she was someone I just HAD to follow and get to know while secretly envying her job – Visiting and tasting artisan wine and food samplings from local wineries right here in Niagara…Sighhhh I don’t know about you, but this is  how I spell dream job!

I started by reading and leaving comments on her blogs, and before long we were talking almost monthly online, sharing, re-sharing or re-posting each others blogs, talking, connecting and each of us getting to know the woman behind the writer; evolving into a well rounded friendship, be it totally online!

Well after two years of talking and me secretly wishing I could be her personal assistant on her next winery tour, we FINALLY set a date to meet IN PERSON!


After having to reschedule twice because of a windstorm that knocked out the power and a snow storm the second date – No really, true story – Mother nature finally cooperated.

Can I just say, Joanne is even more lovely in person than online. Funny, sweet, endearing and down right good peeps to have in your corner, not to mention a total connoisseur of her wine and what she likes to have with it.  Both of us went with local white wines – Joanne an Oaked Chardonnay and myself something a little sweeter, a Riesling.  Sipping on wine in the quaint, cozy and Victorian feel of The Vintages Wine Bar & Lounge – Decorated with lots of wood accents, a crackling fire in the fireplace, really signified to me that this was a perfect choice and a rare gem to discover in our little region.  Staff, were beyond friendly and fun to interact with, but very helpful when we tried to make a choice amongst the scrumptious appetizers.  Joanne and I decided on the flat bread with homemade garlic hummus, goat cheese and roasted red pepper appie along with the blue crab cakes with garlic aioli and mango salsa.  Both were scrumptious, well seasoned, bursting with flavour and perfectly complimented our wine choices and our casual girls night out.

Having the opportunity to take our carefully crafted online relationship offline into the ‘real’ world’ was so refreshing and actually effortless.  We honestly felt like we already knew each other and meeting was just an extension of what we had already created authentically.

I really feel like I have made a friend in Joanne and I look forward to when we can get together again and further build our friendship.

Hey Joanne, just throwing this out there – I am ALWAYS available for any PA work if you ever need any on your next winery review, #justsaying 😛

Thank you all once again for taking the time to read my weekly ramblings and supporting me on my blogging journey.  Your time and energy does not go unnoticed or unappreciated.

But before we go, what local little gem do you like to get away to in our Niagara region?  I am always looking for local merchants doing their thing well using local ingredients to check out!

Until we meet again,

Love & Light I send to you always,

Dina xxoo

My definition of success

Hello My Fellow Blog Lovers and Supporters,

Here we are again, embarking on a new week, new goals and new responsibilities to fulfill. I must say this glorious almost Spring like weather has made achieving those that much more enjoyable!

Recently, I had the opportunity to attend the Haste & Hustle Marketing Conference right here in the Niagara Region.  In fact, here is a Facebook LIVE I did directly from the event, check it out!

But I digress, while I was watching Gary Vaynerchuk the CEO and founder of Vaynermedia speak, (as mentioned in the video), he said something that really resonated with me, “Find your own definition of success, because no amount of money is a direct correlation to your own happiness.”

Seriously, mind blown!

This got me thinking – What does success mean to me?

I really had to take some time, be quiet and look within and really pinpoint what success would look like for me.  It has not been an  A + B = C answer that is for sure, more like A + B= Infinity and beyond.  So this is where I had to sit down and really map it out and see on paper what true success or happiness really would look like specifically for me and my value system.


First of all, I need to be working in a career I love.  A career where I get to help people and assist them in some way achieve their own goals for success.  Well, it would seem like I would have this one covered.  My business of social media management and coaching for small business owners genuinely allows me to assist others to go after and achieve their own goals of business success.  When I see my client land a new customer because of the relationships we worked so hard on establishing online for them, it literally makes my heart sing! No really it does.  I really do ❤ what I do and ❤ when I get to experience those moments with my clients!


Second of all, I want to be surrounded by those I love and care about and nurture those relationships.  Moving back into the Niagara region has allowed me to do just that.  I live with my Mom and Stepdad, my sister lives 5 minutes away, my brother a 1/2 an hour away as well as my best friend.  Having the opportunity to rekindle and reconnect with these people has been a wonderful experience to say the least.  I never realized how lonely I truly was out West until I moved back and was able to experience these relationships once again.  I really was missing out, and getting to watch my precocious, smart and funny great nephew grow up has been beyond wonderful.  Gawd I LOVE that kid!

Lastly, I want to own my own home decorated and filled with the things that make me feel inspired and loved.  Pictures of those I love, items that I picked up from my travels, books and objects that evoke memories or feelings of peace, fun and tranquility.  Have dinner parties where I can invite those I care about to come and sit around my table, eat the food I lovingly prepared for them, laughing and drinking wine the night away, really is an evening of bliss in my books.  I do live in a comfortable home that I have carefully chosen to decorate my ‘rooms’ with these very such things.  However, I do not own it.

So as they say, 2 1/2 out of 3 ain’t bad!

So as you can see, my wants and desires are pretty simple and I by no means am rich.  Not that I am looking to be rich, but improving that part of my life is one of my goals for me and my business this year.  To make a comfortable income so I can afford these luxuries I have outlined and through in world travel into the yearly mix as well.  So I guess what I am trying to say is, Gary was right, the amount of money you make does not equate the amount of happiness you will feel.  But, it does help a bit doesn’t it 😛

So I guess I am well on my way to creating the ‘successful’ life I have envisioned for myself, now the bigger question is, how do I morph into Ashley Graham so I can have the trifecta of happiness? 😛

Thank you once again for taking the time to read my weekly ramblings and supporting me on my blogging journey.  But, before I go, let me ask you this, what is YOUR definition of success?  I can’t wait to hear your answers!

Until we meet again,

Love & Light I send to you always,

Dina xxoo


It’s All In How You Choose To Look At It

Hello My Fellow Blog Lovers and Followers,

Well we have done it, we are officially in the second week of February, and might I say the home stretch until the start of Spring (fingers crossed).  But, I find myself in the same quandary I do every year, the quandary of Valentine’s Day, or is it one?

Allow me to explain…

Now I know, many of you HATE this ‘pseudo holiday’ as you like to call it, saying it is nothing but a commercialized ploy by the mainstream to sell more chocolates and expensive presents.  It just puts pressure on those in relationships to live up to the unreachable standards put forth by this day, and it is rigged to make those who are single to feel horrible about their self worth and desirability towards their desired sexual interests.

Now, don’t get me wrong I used to be apart of this mob mentality as well.  Saying down with Valentines and all the negative connotations associated with it!


I mean the only good thing about it was the half price chocolate you get on Feb 15th right?

But, one year I decided to look within and see it from another perspective…

What if, instead of looking at it from the negative, we, I mean me, chose to look at it from a positive perspective, the perspective of celebrating LOVE in all of its glorious forms.  Why does Valentine’s Day have to ONLY be about romantic love?  Why can’t it be about the celebration of LOVE in all of its beautiful, raw and overwhelming variations – friends, family, neighbours, co-workers, fur babies, fellow human beings. You name it, let’s celebrate it!

Once you flip that switch so to speak and flip the script to the positive, you would be amazed at how wonderful a holiday or an experience you will encounter.  In addition,  your day to day life will open up to greet you and shape how you see and relate to things.  It really does boil down to your mindset.

Now being a small business owner, I have found that this can apply to how I run my business as well.  If I were to have the mindset of never being good enough or overwhelmed with paying the bills or finding new clients to keep myself a float then, that is what will happen.  The energy you put out into the world is the exact energy you will receive.

Now you may not believe in the power of attraction, but I assure you I have seen it work in my own life.  When I acknowledge my feelings, be they negative and I allow myself to reset my energy and my mindset to positive you would be amazed at the outcome – More energy, more feelings of accomplishment, more clients have come my way and my confidence in what I can accomplish has skyrocketed.  Don’t get me wrong, I am not Polly Anna happiness all the time, seriously I am human just like you and I have days where wine and chocolate seem to be the only elixir for the crazy beast of emotion brewing inside of me.

But, now I know how to sense them, defuse them, release them and redirect them towards the positive.  That is huge for my emotional well being and for own sense of wellness and confidence.  But, I truly do believe most of this is due to the company of people I choose to surround myself with. They say you will resemble the characteristics and values of the top 5 people you hang out with the most.  If you hang around negative people you will inevitably become negative in your thoughts and outlooks.  Fortunately, the same can be said if you surround yourself with positive people as well.  I feel so fortunate to have found my tribe of like minded entrepreneurs who are all about community and support and lifting not only their businesses, but those in the Niagara region as well.  So what I am really trying to say, is that it’s a no brainer – Find your tribe!

If you are looking to change you life the answer can be found in changing your mindset, it is really as easy as that!


Thank you all once again for coming along on my blogging journey with me, your support and taking the time to read my ramblings each week does not go unnoticed or unappreciated! But, before I go, let me ask you this, what are some of your tips for changing a negative situation into a positive one?  I would love to hear your answers!

Until we meet again,

Love & Light I send to you always,

Dina xxoo

Sometimes You Just Gotta Let Go For No Other Reason Than It’s Just Too Heavy

Hello My Fellow Blog Lovers & Followers!

First week of February and we are finally getting some winter weather of sorts anyways. But, I gotta say I am holding onto Wiarton Willie’s prediction and hoping for an early Spring.  There I go again, holding onto something or someone far past when I should; I have difficulty letting go – There I said it!

Not being able to let go has always been a vice of mine that I just can’t seem to break. Maybe it’s because I am a Cancer and part of personality traits are and I quote:

“she likes to hold on to things that make her happy and won’t easily change her house, partner or a circle of friends. She can be irrational, oversensitive and too quiet, and the best way to approach her is to see her emotional side as her biggest virtue.”


Guilty on all counts! But, the one aspect that truly has been sticking out for me lately is my undying need to never let go even if it is in my best interest to do so.  Am I just stubborn? Or am I just so damn determined that I can take care of or fix anything or anyone that I have dedicated my time and attention too, that I hang on for dear life no matter how crazy and dangerous of a ride it is for me and my emotional well being?

The most likely culprit I believe is that nagging voice, you know that one that seems to quiet down, be hiding in the shadows just waiting for its moment to strike and then BAM out of nowhere – You make a misstep or make a mistake, fall flat on your face and there she is loud and clear bellowing in your ear – ” Hey loser why do you even try, you know you aren’t good enough” Yeah…that one…

My god she is such a freaking BIOTCH!  Maybe I am trying to prove her wrong –  Prove to her if she is wrong about me then she must be wrong about that person or situation right?

Probably not…

What I do know, I need to believe and trust in my instincts more.  That is the voice I need to be listening to with abandon! She is the no filter, no BS voice that will never lie, manipulate or hood wink me into believing or thinking any lies or half truths about me and my abilities, and yet she is the one I generally tell to sit down and be quiet as the adults are talking – You know the adults – My insecurities and misconceptions, those mean girls…

I guess what I am trying to say – On some level we never truly lose our insecurities completely.  We remain those scared, fragile and vulnerable little people who never know if they can or should try something new or be brave enough to go after it and do it anyways damn the consequence.  I have made peace with that I guess.  But, maybe just maybe she needs to have that big sister, that big protector that tells her like it is, picks her up when she falls, strokes her hair and tells her it is going to be OK, to believe in her abilities and her strengths.

That big sister sure as hell needs to come to more parties, dance with abandon and drink like a MOFO.  THAT big sis is in fact Twins – Intuition and Belief. Intuition to know when something is good for you and Belief in your own abilities to make the right choice and have the strength to walk away and let that person or situation go when it or they are no longer serving you.  GAWD, these chicks are a rad pair to have my friend, and are fucking AMAZING family to surround yourself with. I can’t wait for the next family reunion! 🙂

Thank you all once again for coming along on this blog journey with me peeps.  Your support and taking the time to read my ramblings every week does not go unnoticed or unappreciated.  But, before we go I would love to know, what is one habit or vice that you have a hard time letting go of even if you know it is in your best interest that you do?

I can’t wait to hear your answers!

Until we meet again,

Love & Light I send to you always,

Dina xxoo

Passion Planning for 2017

Hello My Fellow Blog Lovers!

I hope that your holidays were everything that you had wanted and hoped them to be!

Mine was filled with food, fun, family, drink and did I mention food? 😛

The start of another new year always makes me reflect about how I want the coming days to be, both personally and business wise.  But, what if this year I inject a bit of ‘passion’ into my ‘new year new me’ parameters?

Allow me explain…

Every year it is the same thing.  A new year rolls in and I immediately go to my ‘resolutions’ of how I am going to:

  1. Lose weight
  2. Exercise more
  3. Focus on my family
  4. Focus on me
  5. Be more financially sound
  6. Find a committed loving relationship
  7. Blah Blah Blah…

You see, I am no different than you, I have all the gusto to tackle all the ‘things’ I think I need to have and do in order to truly BE happy in my life.  At least the things that I have been told over the years what I am supposed to want and need.  But, like most, by Valentines Day, life gets in the way of well my ‘new life’ goals and old, familiar habits creep back like a worn in sweater full of holes and faded but still comforting and soothing in its destructive, self deprecating nature.

You see in theory, resolutions are not a bad thing, the very nature of planning on what and how you plan to achieve your  goals is paramount for success in anything both personal and business wise you intend to do.  The problem lies in the how and why we set these resolutions.  If we only verbally say we want to lose weight and not do the due diligence of researching what the latest research on weight loss is ; what are the pros and cons of different programs out there and what exactly do I mean by ‘losing weight’ –  Is it 10 lbs, 20lbs or 50lbs?  Who am I as a person when following programs or guidelines?  Do I like strict guidelines or do I like to find my own way? Am I a morning person or night owl? And so on and so on.

Do you see the problem here?  Why we eventually give up and go back to what we know, which is failure in my case.?  If we don’t understand our true how and our true why for wanting to achieve whatever it is we want to achieve, setbacks and roadblocks which honestly are inevitable in any new direction in life will ALWAYS derail us and divert us back to our old behaviours.

This year, I really took the time to be quiet and look within and see what it was that I was truly feeling and wanting out of my life, not what I think I was supposed to want.  What I came up with is Balance and Growth in the my overall emotional, spiritual, physical and financial health.  Seems pretty straight forward right?  Or is it?


Instead of keeping everything I want to achieve inside of me and kind of fly by the seat of my pants, this time I have chosen a different route – I am going to plan, passion plan every detail.  You see I did something I have never done before I bought a Passion Planner to help me organize my thoughts, my goals and my actionable plans to achieve them.  This is huge for me as I have never approached me and my life this way – methodically and deliberate.  I have generally been a ‘go with the flow’ and wing it when necessary kind of girl.  Quite frankly that ain’t cutting it anymore.

So here we go, passion planning the top 10 things I want to achieve this year including what are the daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly steps I need to do in order to achieve this.  Phew, my brain hurts so far but I am feeling empowered and excited for actually having a clear focus and plan on how to achieve what I truly and passionately desire in my life.  Scary, exciting, exhausting, overwhelming but eagerly anticipating the life I have truly envisioned for myself.

To help get this ball rolling even more I have also enrolled in a Vision Board making workshop on Jan 17th with Crystal D’Cunha of The Inside View.  I have never done a real vision board either.  I am excited to tap into my deep seated wants and desires and bring them to the surface and write them down.  As Crystal says, “Once you write it down, it becomes real”

It becomes real and the work begins for doing what needs to be done in order to make them come true.  After all, that is what this journey called our life is all about right!?

I will keep you updated on how this social experiment goes for me, who knows I just might keep those resolutions after all 🙂


Thank you once again for taking the time to read and follow my blog every week.  Your support does not go unnoticed or unappreciated.  But before I go let me ask you, what goals have you planned for you and your business this year?  What strategy have you put in place to allow you to achieve them?  I can’t wait to hear your answers!

Until next time,

Love & Light I send to you always,

Dina xxoo



The Pillar & Post – Niagara’s Hidden Gem

Hello My Fellow Blog Lovers!

My steaming cup of hot tea is sitting beside me as the light pitter patter of the cold rain hits the panes of the window, as I sit here at my computer reflecting on my experiences I just had this past weekend right here in Niagara.  You see  a friend of mine was making a big move to China and we wanted to have a fun experience to celebrate his new journey and to get a little holiday pampering in all in one sitting.  The answer, The Pillar & Post right here in Niagara- On-The Lake!

Boy did we make the right choice!

I must confess, I am just as guilty of  thinking we don’t have any truly first class destinations right here in Niagara where one can go to feel pampered and well taken care of at a reasonable rate.  I get it, I am just as guilty of this assumption just like the next person.

While planning our getaway I came across The Pillar & Post’s Facebook Page as I generally do when looking for places to go or shop, I generally check out their Facebook Page first, then their website, call it an occupational hazard of being a social media manager 😛  And while I was on there I saw a post for a package called Temptations in Wine Country Getaway. Now THIS intrigued me, wine tour for 2, upgraded room with fireplace AND $50 off of our meal at one of the in house restaurants all for under $200..SOLD!


Now I had been here once before to enjoy their spa facilities so I was mildly familiar but I had not had the full Pillar & Post experience as of yet.  As we pulled up to the beautiful heritage stone building I was taken back by its regal beauty and stature.  This elegance was further enhanced with the grand and festive holiday decorations accentuating the entrance and the foray.  The front reception attendant was pleasant and welcoming.  We had arrived 20 minutes before our wine tour was to start and they were graciously able to allow us to check in a hour early.

Now I must say it is a bit of maze to get to our room, down winding hallways and many doorways.  You see the building used to be an old cannery back in the 1800’s which could explain the many corridors.  We quickly dropped our bags and headed downstairs to meet our trolley which was going to be taking us on our tour, I promise I will get back to the room descriptions later. 😛

Mark our driver was so welcoming and pleasant.  It being the off season, we were the only 2 people on the trolley for the tour!  Yes we got the entire trolley to ourselves, and because of that Mark threw in a third winery on the tour – SCORE!

After a brief tour through the downtown of the beautiful and quaint Victorian town of Niagara-On-The-Lake with a wonderfully informative history lesson of some of the major landmarks given by our jovial tour guide and driver Mark, we were off to our first winery Caroline Cellars.


Caroline Cellars otherwise referred to as ‘The Farm’ is a quaint, rustic family run winery located in Virgil.  All of their wines are made on-site from grapes that are grown on their 26 acre home farm and 11 acre farm on Line 1. A unique quality about this winery is that their wines are available exclusively at the winery, but can also be shipped anywhere within Ontario.

Their on-site wine boutique with tasting bar was such a relaxed but refined place to taste, smell and experience their hand crafted creations varying from their crisp whites, robust reds and tantalizing dessert wines.  The Farmer’s Red was by far our favorite and of course we bought a bottle to enjoy later.


Next Stop Trius Wines, might I add a complete contrast in experience – a much more modern flare but with a rustic undertone in style and ambiance.

Trius Winery is a Niagara winemaking pioneer. They have been crafting fine VQA wines from premium grapes grown in the four appellations of Niagara-on-the-Lake for over 30 years now. Nestled between the Niagara escarpment and Lake Ontario, they have made Niagara their home, evolving and flourishing in a wine growing region that provides the diversity to grow a number of varietals in unique growing conditions.

We were given a guided tour through out the entire facility.  Getting to go behind the iron curtain so to speak to see all that is involved in the wine making business was captivating and interesting to see first hand the sights, sounds and unique smells that go into making world renowned wines right here in Niagara.

Our tour was capped off with a quick wine tasting tutorial – how to correctly look, smell and taste the nuances of sparkling, white and red wines. Very cool tips in a fun atmosphere accompanied by the sparkling wine Trius Brut which was just DELISH!

Not gonna lie I was feeling pretty good by the time we hopped onto our trolley to travel onto our final winery destination Reif Estate Winery 😛


As we headed into the parking lot of Reif Estate the sun was setting over the vineyard, such a glorious sight.  I have to say Reif Estate really was a nice in between winery between the rustic family estate setting of Carolines and the more upscale modern atmosphere of Trius.

Reif’s philosophy is “great wines start in the vineyard”.  This has become the cornerstone of the quality and integrity of Reif Estate wines. This belief, partnered with a commitment to produce predominantly estate bottled wines from their 125 acre vineyard, has provided them the opportunity to develop innovation and development in their own sustainable winemaking practices.  A quality that really appeals to my own socially conscious sustainability efforts I try to create with the local businesses I choose to give my money too.  Sipping on the Vidal Icewine was such a perfect way to end our tour of the beautiful Niagara landscape, the fact that it hit all of my flavor notes of sweet, smokey and crisp certainly helped with that experience I must tell you!

As we headed back to the Hotel, I was made very aware what a gorgeous landscape we are surrounded by right here and how I really do take that for granted, and that they really should get the shocks fixed on that trolley, yowsa! 😛


We had 7pm dinner reservations at The Cannery Restaurant in the hotel so we thought that we would check out the outdoor hot springs before heading to dinner.  Inside our stylishly decorated, spacious room were two plush robes with fuzzy slippers awaiting our use, delicately folded like terrycloth swans as the gas fireplace glowed in the distance.  We casually headed down to the outdoor hot springs located in the back of the hotel.  Steam arising as the afternoon sun turned into cool night air as we waded into the bubbling hot-springs accentuated with rustic rock formations, holiday decorations, waterfall and jets.  One word can only describe this and that word is EXQUISITE!  It made me imagine how magical it would be to be in the springs with a gentle snow fall, Ahhhhhhhh.

After feeling blissful and relaxed we quickly got changed and headed down to The Cannery for dinner.  As soon as you walk in you understand why it is Ontario’s only Country Inn with a 5 star rating!  The beauty of the exposed brick and wood beams really does transport you to another time and place full of rustic charm and prestige.

The floor layout allows you to feel cozy and intimate while still being surrounded by other diners.  The open fireplace and the colourful and festive decorations all added to the overall experience of relaxed fine dining at its best.  Now the FOOD! (Sorry the pics are a bit dark but it was dimly lit for ambiance, soooo 🙂 )


To DIE FOR!  We started with the Blue Crab Cakes with Mango Salsa which were robust in flavour but delicate in texture.  My entree was the Mediterranean Seafood Linguini – full with both seafood and flavour.  Tangy notes of olives and pesto complimented by the rich, bold seafood flavour.  Lastly, I finished my meal with the 40 Creek Whisky Creme Brulee’. All I can say is YUM! Sharp hits of whiskey flavour balanced by the rich and creamy texture of the custard was beyond decadent!

All around decadent and relaxing time was had by all and I would highly recommend a visit to Pillar & Post any time of the year.  But just a side note:  Since we are in the off season, places like Pillar & Post are offering packages that are beyond reasonable.  Take advantage of these offerings and try out a place that you normally would not have the opportunity too, support local and have an incredible experience to boot!

I know that this one was a bit longer than what I normally write but I just wanted you all to come along on my incredible experience that I had and one I hope to have again with Mom in the Spring, Mother’s Day perhaps!?

Thank you once again for coming along on this crazy blog ride with me, your support does not go unnoticed! Before we go, do you have a local gem you would like to share that you love to visit?  I would love to hear!

Until we meet again,

Love & Light I send to you all,

Dina xxoo